Celebrate a Local Independence Day: Serve all Idaho foods on this All-American holiday
The 4th of July means celebration – of freedom and independence – of family, friends and community. And like any celebration, food is an integral part. Fourth of July food means hot dogs on the grill, homemade potato salad, fresh summer fruit and icy-cold beverages. This Independence Day – celebrate with local foods – it’s so easy to do in Idaho….
Start with the dogs…beef, pork, chorizo…made by local companies like Falls Brand and Gem Pack and found at most local grocery stores. Serve them on buns made by Zeppole, Alpicella, or Great Harvest Bakeries – baked fresh daily. Idaho’s famous tubers should star in your favorite family potato salad recipe along with Idaho onions, local eggs and fresh herbs. And although it’s too early for Idaho watermelons, enjoy sweet dark cherries or Idaho apricots.
Idaho cherries, grown in the warm Sunnyslope area of Caldwell and in the Emmett Valley are now available at the orchards, farmers markets and local grocery stores. The first of the apricots will be available at farmers markets, farm stands and some local grocery stores as well.
Before the fireworks start, enjoy homemade ice cream made with Idaho milk, cream, and sugar – or enjoy Cloverleaf Creamery ice cream made fresh daily in Buhl – and top it off with fresh local strawberries, blackberries, raspberries or Rocky Mountain blueberries!
Need to find these local foods for your July 4th celebration or want some new recipe ideas? Just visit our recipe page start a new “local” tradition for your picnic or BBQ.