bringing it all togetherApproaching and Communicating with Food Service Directors
Do not assume that all schools have the same motivations and requirements!
You should make an opportunity to meet with the School Nutrition Director (or other school buyer) to learn about their specific needs and requirements. Here are some key points to discuss together:
Program goals: Understanding the buyer’s professional and personal motivations may provide producers an opportunity to negotiate requirements based on shared values and priorities.
Product needs: Ask about the kinds of products they are interested in purchasing locally—how much and how often do they need products to be processed, and how are they used to receiving local products? You may also consider asking what they plan to make with the product. This question may reveal that there are unidentified flexibilities or new product opportunities.
Sourcing practices and preferences: Find out if they are interested in purchasing directly from you or if they prefer to work through a distributor. Depending on past experiences, they may have hesitations about sourcing through certain market channels. Be sure to find this out, so you can address potential issues proactively.
Solicitations and procurement: Ask what type of procurement method they typically use for the products you’re interested in selling, and what the timing is for those solicitations. It’s important to understand that certain products may commonly be purchased informally, while others may need to be purchased through formal methods, due to the dollar value of purchases.
Payment: Understanding the school’s invoicing and payment processes is critical to anticipating cash-flow requirements and avoiding delays.
Contingencies: It is important to make plans for addressing the unexpected such as missed delivery, crop failure, natural disasters, etc. These things happen. What’s important is that you establish clear expectations and have a mutual understanding for addressing them. This reduces risk and helps maintain working relationships.