Member Requirements
Prospective members must meet one of the following criteria to apply
- Must contain at least 20% Idaho grown agricultural content
- Be processed in Idaho
- Non-food agricultural products must be at least 20% agricultural content grown or raised in Idaho; Processing must occur in Idaho.
- Must provide proof of permission to promote Idaho grown potatoes or potato items from the Idaho Potato Commission when applying
- At least 95% Idaho grown grapes
- Must be brewed in Idaho
- Must contain at least one Idaho agriculture product (e.g. malt,wheat, hops, or soluble remnants thereof, excluding water)
- Must be extracted from an Idaho water source
- Must be grown in Idaho a minimum of one growing season or cycle
- Must come from cattle born, raised, and harvested in the U.S.
- Must be raised, fed, or processed in Idaho
- Must be processed in federally inspected plants
- Must come from lambs born, raised, and harvested in the U.S.
- Lambs have grazed or been fed in Idaho at least three months prior to harvest (must be verifiable, need not be contiguous)
- Are processed at about one year of age or less and qualify as lamb
- Older animals, considered mutton by USDA inspectors, may qualify (see IDAPA 02.01.04, Subsection 200.07.b
- Must be born, raised, and harvested in the U.S.
- Must be raised or processed in Idaho
- Are processed at less than one year of age unless used exclusively for ground pork or sausage products.
- Are processed in a federally inspected plant
- Come from fowl that are hatched, raised, and harvested in the U.S.
- Raised and processed in Idaho (exceptions exist for hatching eggs or very young chicks)
- Processed in a facility approved through District Health for retail sales or federally inspected plant
- Come from domestic Cervidae born, raised, and processed in Idaho
- Originate from an Idaho State Department of Agriculture regulated facility
- Come from domestic buffalo born, raised, and processed in Idaho
- Be processed in a federally inspected plant
- At least 80% of processed honey originates in Idaho – all other honey bee products must originate 100% from Idaho
- Contain at least 80% of wood fiber content from trees grown in Idaho
- Be manufactured in Idaho