Idaho Onions
Idaho and Eastern Oregon’s Snake River Valley is the largest onion-growing region in the U.S. The climate and soil create the perfect conditions for growing yellow, white, and red varieties. March and April mark Spring plantings, with harvest beginning in August. State-of-the-art storage facilities make these tasty onions available for most of the year, from August through March or April.
Idaho onions are known for their golden color, globe shape, remarkably mild flavor, and crisp texture. These attributes combine to make Idaho onions some of the most versatile, best tasting, and popular onions in the world.

Fun Facts about Idaho Onions
Idaho ranks 5th in the nation in onion production.
Southwest Idaho is famous for Giant Spanish sweet onions.
25% of all U.S. onions come directly from the Snake River Valley of Southwest Idaho and Eastern Oregon.
Idaho onions are high in Vitamin C and folate, and they are a great source of fiber, Vitamin B6, and Potassium.
In Season