Idaho Rhubarb
Find Idaho rhubarb at most farmers markets or maybe in your backyard from late May through August. Known for its tart flavor, rhubarb can be used in a variety of sweet dishes from pies, cakes, and desserts to savory dishes such as sauces, preserves, and pickles. Look for firm stalks that can range from green to dark red. While the stalks are ideal for cooking, the leaves are poisonous so make sure to discard them properly.
In Season
Cloud Eleven Mountain Farm
CSA, Farm Stand, Producer, Wholesale VendorMoyie Springs, IDProducts & Services:
- Asparagus
- Basil
- Beets
- Carrots
- Cucumbers
- Greens
- Herbs (Fresh)
- Melons
- Onions
- Organics
- Peaches
- Peppers
- Plums
- Radishes
- Rhubarb
- Summer Squash
- Tomatoes
- Winter Squash
- Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
- Mushrooms
- Nursery
- Apples
- Beans
- Cherries
- Crafted Products
- Lavender
- Pumpkins
- Berries
- Cut Flowers
- Dried Fruits
- Farm Tours
- Education, Access & Advocacy
- Garlic
- Herbs (Dried)
- Jams & Jellies
- Grapes
- Pears
- Peas
- Potatoes
- Spices, Rubs & Seasonings
- Sweet Corn
Payment Types:
- Cash
- Credit
Kraay's Market & Garden
Bellevue, IDProducts & Services:
- Apples
- Asparagus
- Beans
- Beets
- Blackberries
- Cucumbers
- Farm Tours
- Greenhouses
- Greens
- Herbs (Dried)
- Herbs (Fresh)
- Onions
- Peaches
- Radishes
- Rhubarb
- Nursery
Pack River Farm
CSASandpoint, IDProducts & Services:
- Basil
- Beets
- Carrots
- Cheese
- Cucumbers
- Greenhouses
- Herbs (Fresh)
- Honey
- Jams & Jellies
- Microgreens
- Onions
- Organics
- Peas
- Peppers
- Potatoes
- Pumpkins
- Radishes
- Rhubarb
- Soap & Body Care
- Strawberries
- Summer Squash
- Sweet Corn
- Tomatoes
- Winter Squash
- Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)