Idaho Summer Squash
Idaho summer squash varieties are available throughout summer and early fall. Summer squash includes zucchini, yellow, crookneck, and patty-pan squash. Summer squash differs from winter squash because they’re harvested before the rind hardens and the fruit matures. They grow on bushy plants that don’t spread out as much as winter squash plants.

Summer Squash Basics
How to pick: Select a small and tender squash that is 8-12 inches long, as oversized squash can be hard and seedy. Use large-sized zucchini for baked items like cakes and bread.
How to store: Refrigerate unwashed summer squash in a plastic bag in the vegetable crisper for up to five days.
At some restaurants and farmers markets, you’ll also see squash blossoms that can be used in many dishes. Squash blossoms can be eaten raw, fried, baked, or added to your favorite pasta or soup dish.