September is Idaho Preferred Month
Did you know that September is Idaho Preferred Month? This is the seventh year that Idaho’s governor has declared September as Idaho Preferred month to bring awareness to the fact that fall is the peak of harvest season.
Help celebrate all the local goodness that Idaho has to offer during September. As a consumer you can support local farmers, ranchers and food producers by seeking out and buying Idaho food and agriculture products. Want to find a local producer near you click here.
The focus of this year’s celebration is to increase awareness and sales of Idaho grown and produced items at retail. Consumers will be able to easily recognize locally produced products through special Idaho Preferred signage at most major retailers including Walmart, Albertsons, Paul’s Market and several independent grocers and Co-ops.
With over 180 different food and agricultural products produced in Idaho it is easy to find something for everyone. Besides looking for local products at your favorite farmers market and retailer, make sure to also look for it on the menu next time you are eating out. Several restaurants support local farmers.
For more information on Idaho Preferred and events taking place during Idaho Preferred month click here.