12 events found.
Boise Farmers Market
1500 Shoreline Drive, BoiseBoise Farmers Market
1500 Shoreline Drive, BoiseBoise Farmers Market
1500 Shoreline Drive, BoiseBoise Farmers Market
1500 Shoreline Drive, BoiseBoise Farmers Market
1500 Shoreline Drive, BoiseBoise Farmers Market
1500 Shoreline Drive, BoiseBoise Farmers Market
1500 Shoreline Drive, BoiseMarket on the Grange
City Park 107 Coeur d' Alene Ave. Harrison, ID, United States, Idaho 83833Local produce growers, artisan bakers, and local artist showcase and sell their products. Memorial Day - Labor Day, or until the end of September due...
Boise Farmers Market
1500 Shoreline Drive, BoiseMarket on the Grange
City Park 107 Coeur d' Alene Ave. Harrison, ID, United States, Idaho 83833Local produce growers, artisan bakers, and local artist showcase and sell their products. Memorial Day - Labor Day, or until the end of September due...
Boise Farmers Market
1500 Shoreline Drive, BoiseThe Idaho Preferred Community Calendar is provided as a community service to Idaho residents and community organizations. Neither Idaho Preferred nor the Idaho State Department of Agriculture endorses the event information, conduct, or management.
To submit items for the Idaho Preferred Community Calendar, click here.