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Homestead Produce

Come Back To Quality Food!

511291 Highway 95, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805

Homestead Produce is the 4th generation on this family farm. Once a dormant farm, it was brought back to life and named Homestead Produce where it now grows produce for the local farmers’ market and their farm stand. The farm stand also sells produce from other local farms in Boundary County. Their passion is organic, clean food raised locally.

After farming for several years, growing and experimenting with a wide variety of crops and methods, Homestead Produce is determined to farm organically, convinced by the results of their experiments. They are working toward a USDA certification.

About Homestead Produce Eggs
Homestead Produce is currently pasturing its laying hens through mobile coops. The Homestead Produce mobile pastured flock had small beginnings. They purchased 150 chicks in March of 2018 in speculation on selling eggs besides their produce at the farmer’s market. The response was so enthusiastic they expanded as soon as they could to satisfy the demand in town.

The first flocks were raised and housed in their old barn, built by great grandpa, with runs outdoors into their pasture, but their dreams were always with a mobile pastured system that would give them location options and fresher pasture daily. In 2023 that dream came true.

They believe their approach to chicken care prioritizes the essential nutrients for producing eggs abundant in vitamins and minerals. The overall level of health of the chickens is accomplished by housing hens in mobile coops and keeping them moving on fresh pastures.

By allowing their chickens to freely roam and graze on grass, Homestead Produce ensures they enjoy a well-balanced diet. This contributes to the overall health and nutritional quality of the eggs they produce. Additionally, they use a locally milled feed that contains no GMOs, no corn, and no soy using grains grown on local farms. The feed is not currently organic but the pastures the hens live on are organically managed.

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Locations and Hours

  • Direct to Consumer Location
    511291 Highway 95
    Bonners Ferry, ID 83805

    Monday-Saturday, 10am-5pm

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  • Cash
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  • Sells Online
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