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Little Cow Mountain Farms

Farm-to-Table Fresh

Little Cow Mountain Farms in Caldwell has chosen a pasture-based system for its livestock to provide a quality and healthy life for their animals. Pasture-based systems give back to the land, improve the soil health, and add to the biomass in a natural, regenerative way.

They raise poultry broilers outside on grass where they enjoy plenty of fresh air and sunshine. Enjoy whole pastured poultry, or select from your favorite cuts, along with free-range eggs. Of course, all Little Cow Mountain products are designed to meet the highest quality standards.

Purchase poultry directly from the website, on-site by appointment (please call ahead), or at the Boise Farmers Market on Saturdays. Whether at the farm itself, or the Farmers Market, you can shop for additional products available in season.

The Little Cow Mountain Farms on-farm gift shop offers a variety of art prints, cards, and coffee mugs featuring farm animals and Idaho wildlife. Purchase favorite local items from their selection of cottage food products including breads, pastries, pies, jams, and dried fruits produced with fruits and nuts grown on the farm.

Little Cow Mountain Farm also raises registered American Aberdeen Angus Cattle. Aberdeen Angus are well suited to a pasture-based system. Their smaller frames are reminiscent of cattle raised in years past.

Restaurants can contact Little Cow Mountain via email to find out about available offerings and supply.


  • Poultry
  • Chicken Eggs
  • Angus Beef