Idaho Apples
Start shopping for local apples, Idaho’s #1 fruit crop at 60 million pounds annually, late July/early August. Enjoy deliciously sweet and nutritious Idaho apples through early March. Idaho apple farmers grow at least eleven different varieties of apples, including Braeburn, Fuji, Granny Smith, Gala, Jonagold, Jonathan, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, and Rome. Newer apple varieties are also available, including Pink Lady and Honey Crisp. Each apple is carefully cultivated and harvested to ensure an abundance of fresh, crisp, and juicy apples – just the way an apple should be! Find local apples at local retailers, farmers’ markets, and U-pick orchards. Use this website to find fresh, local apples direct from growers. Like all fruits and vegetables, apples are an important part of a healthy diet. Apples have no fat, cholesterol, or sodium, and contain a multitude of important nutrients such as potassium, dietary fiber, and naturally occurring antioxidants. Celebrate the harvest season with your favorite Idaho apple, fresh from the tree!

Apple Basics
What to look for: Choose fresh, bright, firm textured apples and avoid apples with dark, pressure marks over the surface.
How to store: Store fresh apples at room temperature for a few days or store inside the refrigerator for up to 2-3 weeks. Always wash all produce in clean running cold water before consuming.
Fun Fact about Idaho Apples
It takes a medium-sized apple tree 6-10 years before it fully produces fruit. Once fully grown, an apple tree will produce enough apples to make 225 pies each year!