Everyone Loves Fall in Idaho
Fall Fun in Idaho
YES! It’s finally here. October is the time of the year for fall fun in Idaho and pumpkin everything! As we scour Pinterest for the best pumpkin recipes and visit our favorite coffee shop for the highly anticipated Pumpkin Spice Latte we seldom think about local pumpkin. That’s right – here in Idaho we also grow a wonderful pumpkin crop including varieties for carving a spooky jack-o-lantern or baking a homemade pumpkin pie. Look for locally-grown pumpkins at grocery stores and farmers markets near you. Be sure to ask the produce manager for pumpkins, gourds and squash grown in Idaho! If you see the Idaho Preferred logo, you know that it was grown in this state.
Visit a pumpkin patch and pick your own! Use this great website Idaho Pumpkin Patches and More to find a local pumpkin farm near you.
What’s In Season
As the seasons change and the cool weather begins to set in across the state of Idaho the local produce available also beings to change. October is the month when you’ll find Idaho-grown apples, pears and plums in retail stores and farmers markets. Begin to look for local winter squash such as acorn, spaghetti and butternut. You can also find root vegetables such as beets and carrots, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, herbs and greens in October. It’s grape and hop harvest season too – so make time to visit a winery or brewery for some local sampling! Try making one of our local Fall Harvest recipes.
Fun Facts About Pumpkin
Idaho enjoys a healthy bounty when it comes to growing pumpkins. Our favorable growing conditions allow the local pumpkin harvest to produce many varieties that are rich in color and flavor. Pumpkins are a member of the squash family and contain an important phytonutrient called beta-carotene. Our bodies convert beta-carotene into vitamin A, which is essential for good eyesight and proper growth.
Did You Know?
October 26 is National Pumpkin Day!
80% of pumpkins in the United States are available in October.
Pumpkins are FRUITS! They are a winter squash in the Cucurbitacae family, which includes cucumbers and melons.
Pumpkins are grown on every continent except Antarctica.
Pumpkins take between 90 and 200 days to grow. Each pumpkin has over 500 seeds!
There are over 45 different varieties of pumpkins.
Pumpkin Recipes
Love pumpkin and want to make your own homemade tasty treats? Try one of these delicious sweet and savory recipes: